Tribute By Premier And Minister Of Finance Andrew A. Fahie: Remembering the Legacy of Former Prime Minister Of Barbados – The Rt. Honourable Owen Seymour Arthur

Tribute By Premier And Minister Of Finance

Andrew A Fahie

Remembering the Legacy of Former Prime Minister Of Barbados – The Rt. Honourable Owen Seymour Arthur

Today, Friday, August 14 is the State Funeral of the Late Former Prime Minister of Barbados – The Rt. Honourable Owen Seymour Arthur

I was saddened to learn in late July of the passing of the former Prime Minister of Barbados, The Right Honourable Owen Seymour Arthur.

We in the Virgin Islands, join with the entire Caribbean Family morn his passing, reflect and honor the legacy of this long serving stalwart of Caribbean politics and Regional Integration.

As one of the smaller members of the Caribbean Community we appreciate the strong leadership provided to the region by the Right Honourable Owen Arthur, during his three consecutive tenures as Prime Minister of Barbados, from 1994-2008. We remember him for his support as Chairman of the Conference of Heads of Government, and for lending his unwavering support on matters which affected our Territory. Indeed many decisions taken at the regional level facilitated the successful growth and development of the Virgin Islands during this time. His wisdom and institutional knowledge were highly respected in the Virgin Islands.

A significant number of Virgin Islanders, fondly remember him as Prime Minister as they made Barbados home while pursuing studies at the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, and are some of the direct beneficiaries of his bold, charismatic, and decisive leadership of Barbados.

The Caribbean has lost a champion for the region and one of its most ardent supporters of regional integration.

On behalf of my Government, Members of the House of Assembly, and People of the Virgin Islands, I extend sincere condolences to the family of the Late Former Prime Minister and the Government and People of Barbados.

I pray that the God of Love, Peace and Hope will comfort you all at this most challenging time.

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