DECEMBER 12, 2019
Good morning, I say God’s blessings to everyone.
I have learned that you had a fruitful trip to one of our prized jewels—Anegada yesterday. Anegada is the home to Lobster Festival, striking coral reefs and relaxation.
I want to let you know that Government’s objective is to make the BVI a financially and economically sustainable Territory to make our people secure, physically, emotionally and economically, and to develop all-round resilience and competitiveness.
Our aim is to accelerate transformation for resilience and sustainability, embracing SMART strategies and Green Development, and creating opportunities for empowerment of our people.
The application of SMART technology to increase energy efficiency and functionality is a priority consideration in the design of all public buildings moving forward. Incentives are under consideration to encourage private property owners to embrace SMART technology. In fact, SMART technology is a very broad area with increasing applications that not only encompasses energy saving.
As we strive to “Go Green” and foster sustainable development, more efficient use of brown spaces must be made to reduce the impact on our natural environment and precious natural resources such as our immaculate beaches and stunning views.
I am happy to learn from the team at BVIEC that it issued a Request For Proposals (RFP) for the installation of a combined solar pv and Battery Energy Storage System on the island of Anegada.
Over 135 companies requested BVIEC’s RFP. Of those 135 companies that requested, the RFP 29 companies have chosen to advance in the bidding process by being present at the mandatory site visit.
To some, this may be a small project but for the BVI this is a great success, as it confirms and signals my Government’s commitment to the establishment of a “Green Economy”
Government’s goal is to have 60% renewable by 2030; this single project will ensure Anegada is 80% renewable by 2021.
As we all know Anegada is not connected to the main electricity grid which supplies the remainder of the BVI. And, because of this the cost to produce energy on Anegada is significantly greater, but all the residents pay the same rates as everyone else in the Territory.
BVIEC has been subsidising this difference from the inception of providing service on that Sister Island. And this project will assist in reducing significantly the quantum of that subsidy.
It is time for transformation of this Territory encompassing its economic, social, environmental, physical and climate resilient issues. In the face of climate change this initiative, once completed, will help the people of Anegada to navigate the complexities and uncertainties ahead.
We wish you a productive question and answer session today and we hope that this week’s site visit would position your respective companies to deliver the best and most competitive pricing for this project.
I look forward to seeing a new beginning on Anegada with renewable energy.