Premier and Minister of Finance, Honourable Andrew A. Fahie is away from the Territory attending the annual United Kingdom Overseas Territories Association (UKOTA) Pre-Joint Ministerial Council (JMC) Meeting and the inaugural UK/OT International Trade Summit in the Cayman Islands.
The Pre-JMC meeting allows for heads of Government from the British Overseas Territories (OTs) and the United Kingdom to agree on key items for the agenda for the JMC meeting that will take place in November in London and to receive an update on the work carried out by UKOTA over the past year.
The Trade Summit, jointly hosted by The Cayman Islands Government and the UK Government, is the first of its kind, by the new Cayman Islands Government’s Ministry of International Trade, Investment Aviation and Maritime Affairs (MITIAMA). The summit is designed for high level government discussions between UK and OT Government leaders and officials.
Premier of the Cayman Islands, Honourable Alden McLaughlin said in a statement, “This inaugural UK/OT International Trade Summit is an opportunity to showcase what the Overseas Territories (OTs) have to offer and to also discuss trade opportunities with and for all OTs as we all look for ways to diversify our economies and take advantage of the opportunities that will be afforded after Brexit.”
Topics being discussed include opportunities to engage with UK initiatives for trade and promotion as well as with the Commonwealth in their Enterprise and Investment Council.
The summit will also examine business sectors such as FinTech, Tourism, Healthcare and the Blue Economy, a term that refers to the economic use and preservation of the marine environment.
The Premier is accompanied by Junior Minister for Tourism, Honourable Shereen Flax-Charles; Junior Minister for Trade and Economic Development, Honourable Sharie de Castro; Acting Permanent Secretary in the Premier’s Office, Mrs. Elvia Smith-Maduro; and Acting Director of International Affairs Secretariat, Ms. Najan Christopher.
Deputy Premier and Minister for Transportation, Utilities and Works, Honourable Kye Rymer will act as Premier from June 25 until 29 in accordance with Section 55 (1) of the Virgin Islands Constitution Order, 2007 which states, “If the Premier is expected to be absent from the Virgin Islands for more than forty-eight hours, the Governor shall authorise the Deputy Premier to perform the functions of the office of Premier; and the Governor shall revoke this authority on the return to the Virgin Islands of the Premier.”
Attached Photos:
- Premier Fahie meets with Heads of Government at the Pre-JMC Meeting in the Cayman Islands. (Photo credit: Provided)
- Premier Fahie meets with Lord Ahmad, Minister for Overseas Territories. The Premier will sit down with Lord Ahmad for a bilateral meeting later today. (Photo credit: Provided)