Happy New Year and God’s Blessings to all of you from the Government of the Virgin Islands.
It is 1st January, 2020. The year where visions come to reality.
Today is a new day, a time for a fresh start, and we thank God for His grace, presence and favour.
We thank God for life. We thank God for what He has done for us years gone and for what He will continue to do for us, individually and collectively.
God indeed has made a way, and I firmly believe that the year 2020 will be a great one where BVILOVE will be excessively strong.
I look forward to great things in the name of our Heavenly Father who will move mountains and barriers here on earth, in the British Virgin Islands. I know that He will cause walls to fall.
That is why today as a Territory at the Queen Elizabeth II Park from 12:00 p.m to 3:00 p.m. we are taking an important pause for “A TIME of PRAISE and PRAYER” and join together in one accord to petition God for His favour as we all journey through the year 2020.
We will meditate on His Word in 2 Chronicles chapter 20 and together we will have faith in the Lord our God and I know that we will be upheld as a people and as a Territory.
I thank the BVI Christian Council for its BVILOVE in collaborating with the Government of the Virgin Islands on this important commitment to our Lord.
In this Territory, we have many reasons to be full of pride, optimism and hope for we have inherited from our forefathers—the spirit of perseverance, which will continue to push us forward.
Within the 10 months of taking office, we have accomplished many things together, with alot still left to be done in this New Year.
Together as one people, our Vision 2020 is to transform the Territory into a leading regional economy by 2025 through Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Local and Foreign Investment.
Working with you the people, we will together work to build a resilient, globally competitive, diversified economy that leverages our position in the tourism and financial services markets.
In greening our economy, we will embrace new drivers such as digital businesses, and with our people actively and profitably engaged in these activities.
Together, as a Territory, we will accelerate transformation for resilience and sustainability.
Together we will embrace SMART strategies and Green Development, and create opportunities for individual and collective empowerment.
Your Government’s mission for 2020 is to ensure that the people of the Virgin Islands are active participants and beneficiaries in this journey in the spirit of BVILOVE.
As we embrace the start of the New Year and the new decade, I wish God’s richest blessings on all the people of this Territory and visitors, and to our international partners.
I pray for God’s guiding hands on all your noble endeavours.
May your dreams and aspirations be realised and may you enjoy health, wealth and happiness.
I thank you.